
Hakomi-informed Somatic Coaching

Pain Reprocessing Therapy

Trauma -informed Bodywork

Somatic Movement Exploration


All coaching sessions take place virtually on Zoom.

One or a blend of the following modalities will be incorporated into a coaching session:

Pain Reprocessing Therapy

Pain Reprocessing Therapy is an evidence-based, mind/body approach to healing chronic pain. It is a process of retraining the brain to respond to signals from the body properly, breaking the chronic pain cycle.

What would it be like to experience pain but to not react to it? What if instead you could learn how to inhabit your body with curiosity, trust your intuition, and know how to listen to the inherent wisdom of your body even when it’s hurting?

One of the keys to healing is learning how to change our relationship to pain, and to understand that ultimately the brain is sending pain signals in an attempt to keep us safe. Your experience of pain is your brain and body having your best interest in mind, believe it or not.

You will be supported in establishing a sense of safety in your body and your experiencing of pain instead of sensing it as a threat. This shift is essential for reducing pain.

A session will consist of bringing attention to your present experience, and working with your internal experience in session. We will collaboratively discover what patterns are occurring in your day to day life that may be contributing to you pain cycle, and together finding small, attainable changes can be made to support you in breaking cycles that may be keeping you stuck.

Our time together will not guarantee that you will be pain free, but my intention is that you will gain more clarity as to what is keeping you stuck, and have some tangible tools to work with outside of our sessions.

To learn more about Pain Reprocessing Therapy, click here to learn about my comprehensive program to support you with chronic pain. There is more in depth information on this page about PRT. A single coaching session or package of coaching sessions will not be as comprehensive as what I have to offer in this program.

Hakomi-Informed Somatic Processing

Hakomi-Informed Somatic Processing is a body-based approach that is rooted in present-moment awareness.  Working with the intelligence of the body in the present moment, we will gently bring to light unconscious beliefs and perceptions that may be limiting your ability to be fully engaged in your life in a meaningful way. 

We will gently work with limiting barriers and try on new possibilities with little somatic experiments, always with your consent, to help you gain dynamic feedback and insight into what your missing developmental experiences were, and what your needs are in your present day life.  Your body’s wisdom is our compass into navigating this internal landscape.

In Hakomi, there are two main elements we work with:

  1. The automatic impulses and patterns of your nervous system

  2. The beliefs you formed about yourself and the world

In a session, we will go back and forth between what is arising automatically and organically in the body in the present moment, and what that information actually means.

The somatic experience and the meaning behind it are equally important and necessary elements in supporting you to process your emotions and gain insight into your core material so that you have clarity on how to continue to work with your internal barriers and cultivate new possibilities of choice, freedom, and ease in your every day life.

To learn more about Hakomi, click click here.

Mindful Movement & Somatic Exploration

Mindful movement is a potent avenue to getting to know one's internal landscape more fully, bringing consciousness to patterns of movement and tension in the body. 

Through the lense of Qi Gong, Tai Chi, dance, and exploring the body through movement, breath, touch and voice, you can get to know yourself more deeply through a felt sense of inner self-connection that cultivates embodiment and ease.

We may study systems and structures of your body through the laboratory of your own subjective experience in your body, supporting you to inhabit your body more fully, arriving at insight and a sense of self-regulation and soothing.

Rather than being guided through a series of choreographed sequences of movement, you will be encouraged to discover your own internal landscape utilizing an inside-out approach.


All bodywork sessions will take place in person.

One or a blend of the following modalities will be incorporated into a bodywork session:

Craniosacral Therapy

A modality that deeply settles and supports regulation of the nervous system by utilizing very gentle, attuned, sustained touch that targets the cranium, spine, and pelvis to support the body's natural healing capacity. 

Craniosacral Therapy especially benefits people who suffer from chronic symptoms including chronic pain, fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, chronic fatigue, central nervous system disorders, post traumatic stress disorders, anxiety, and depression. 

Rooted in osteopathy, Craniosacral Therapy is a unique modality in which the practitioner is feeling for the quality of the fluids and tissues to restore unresolved patterns of tension and trauma in the body.  Specific areas of the body are gently held for several minutes at a time to allow the nervous system and tissues time to unwind and release.

Gentle Therapeutic Massage

Hot stones with gentle Swedish massage techniques combined with Catherine's hand-crafted, essential oil infused body cream is a sensory experience that is soothing, comforting, and tension relieving.

Catherine's approach to bodywork does not entail "fixing" the body, by force or by deep tissue massage.  She will first and foremost listen to your body, and cooperate with your nervous system with the principles of non-violence, loving presence, and attunement.  Catherine does NOT practice deep tissue massage.

People seek body work for different reasons at different times. Sometimes, you are looking for an experience of deep relaxation. Sometimes you really need a mechanic, to address something specific that is troubling you physically, perhaps after an injury. Other times, body work is the catalyst for energetic and emotional release.

Catherine has the hands of a true healer, integrating each of these elements into her offering, which above all, is an extension of her spirit. I always feel held, not only by her hands, but by her deep soul.
— J.L.


  • It depends on what you are needing. If you are experiencing chronic pain, I highly recommend Pain Reprocessing Therapy in conjunction with bodywork or Hakomi.

    If you are wanting to go deep into your emotional landscape, and heal developmental wounds, Hakomi is likely to resonate with you.

    If you want bodywork that is gentle, nurturing, and soothing to your nervous system, I would recommend a blend of Craniosacral Therapy and Massage Therapy.

    If you want to feel more at home in your body, somatic movement exploration will support you in experiencing movement patterns and how the systems in your body are functioning through subjective exploration.

  • For now, the coaching sessions will all take place on zoom.

  • Just bring yourself, just as you are. There will be some forms for you to fill out prior to our working together. For coaching sessions and somatic movement exploration sessions, I suggest wearing clothing that is loose and comfortable, and having some props around you such as blankets and pillows.

Which service is your body asking for?

Let’s talk.